Monday, September 15, 2008

Catalina Cats
As a self-proclaimed tile addict, my favorite thing to do when I visit Catalina Island (just a short boat ride from Los Angeles) is to hunt down all the beautiful tiles that adorn the buildings and walkways in Avalon. (And I highly recommend the Jewels of Avalon Tile Walking Tour.) But just as ubiquitous, and beautiful, are the feral cats of Catalina. T-shirts and other souvenirs of the cats are easily found in the shops. So for me to paint a tile of a Catalina scene was well overdue. I just retrieved this one from the kiln this morning. I have a companion tile that I'm starting to work on now but for the first one I decided on the most famous landmark, the Casino Ballroom. Inviting you into the scene are my two friends, Friday and Pharoah!
(Designs and photos are copyright roslyn m wilkins)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Magical Night in Malibu The first thing you notice when turning off Pacific Coast Highway into the Pepperdine University Campus is the wave of US flags on Alumni Park paying tribute to the 2,977 lives lost in the September 11 attacks seven years ago.
We attended the reception for the opening of Carolyn Mary Kleefeld: Visions from Big Sur in the Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, a very nice gallery space which I have never visited before.
Although I liked many of the pieces in the exhibit, I felt most attuned to the ink drawings (listed under "pastels" and "colored pens" on her website). Sometimes I can visit a gallery with all kinds of good intentions to be receptive to the artwork but I end up wondering what in the world I am doing there. But this time I was suitably impressed and felt a definite connection with the art on display.
The mood was enhanced by the excellent guitarist pictured in the corner of the photo.
The exhibit runs from September 13 - December 14, 2008. Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University, 24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90263. General information: (310) 506-4851.
(Photo is copyright roslyn m wilkins)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Don't Listen to Grouch Marx
He said he would never belong to an organization that would accept him as a member!
You are invited to the Culver City Art Group 2008 membership drive, Saturday, September 13 at Graphaids, located at 3030 La Cienega Blvd in Culver City. That's between Jefferson and Washington. We will have an acrylic painting demo from 11:30 to 2:00.
You are welcome to attend the demo without joining the group but membership is only $25 a year and these days that's a pretty good deal. To find out everything you get for your money, come, meet and hang out with some of our members on Saturday.