Friday, April 20, 2007

Tile Store AdventureToday KJ and I, intrepid adventurers that we are, braved the treacherous rain-soaked streets of Los Angeles on our quest for the wild tile! For those of you who do not live in Southern California, or who have never visited here on a rainy day, let me explain that driving the rain slick streets of LA is not for the weak at heart. Southern Californians (that is, anybody who has lived here for a year or longer) DO NOT know how to drive in less than clement weather. Therefore, the decision had to be made, do we postpone our long laid plans to shop for tiles or do we take a deep breath and go anyway? As it is my experience that postponed plans quickly fall into the category of plans never realized, we decided to take the plunge.

I am so glad we decided to go to Mortarless Building Supply Company which was recommended by a friend of KJ's. At first glance I was not sure this was going to be the place to find any good tiles. I was expecting something a little more polished and organized. But when we stepped into the main room it was obvious we would find some treasures. After all, I feel more comfortable in places like this that tend to be on the ramshackle side, totally unpretentious (and totally dedicated to tiles).

KJ is tiling her back porch steps (for now). I have been contemplating ripping out my ancient and tattered carpet in the living room, replacing it with hardwood or laminated wood, and decorating the transitions between wood and tile floors (at the foyer and dining area) with threshholds of 4" decorative tiles. This turned out to be my day to make that decision with no turning back. I bought 36 tiles, no two alike. Now all I have to do is decide which tiles go where. When I arrived home I placed the tiles on the carpet, along with the wood samples that have been sitting there for weeks, and I already like the look. I've been told my place looks like an Alpine Chalet, so now it's Alpine by way of Mexico.

My friend was able to find several designs that, after a lot of back and forth between the two of us, look really good together. I don't know if I confused her or helped her, but I think the final project will look spectacular. The employees at the tile store were all very helpful. If you can't find enough tiles in the right pattern they will either search their inventory or order some (but that could be a long wait). We both left feeling happy with our purchases. I'm sure I will be back there for my next tile project.... maybe the deck?

Mortarless Building Supply Company
Handcrafted Ceramic and Clay Tiles
2707 Fletcher Dr, LA 90039

(All photos on this blog copyright Roslyn M Wilkins and not to be used without permission.)

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