Monday, January 30, 2012

Twinkle twinkle, black star, white star

Black Star One - 4/14" ceramic tile - 6-1/4" framed
Black Star Two - 4/14" ceramic tile - 6-1/4" framed

I am not sure if I am finished with this idea yet.

I painted two tiles entitled Black Star and two entitled White Star.

As I was painting them I thought they would go together as a four-tile set. But I think they are too different.
White Star One - 4/14" ceramic tile - 6-1/4" framed
White Star Two - 4/14" ceramic tile - 6-1/4" framed
The pencil drawings (which is how I start out on any of my tile paintings) were intended as one piece of artwork. And when I laid down the first two layers of glaze that was still my intention.

But the black overglaze on two and the white overglaze on the other two completely changed the story.

I am deciding if I should paint two more black and two more white tiles or leave these as two and two and create another "star" series from scratch.

In any case, I think before I paint anymore tiles I need to update my website.

(Designs and photos copyright roslyn m wilkins)


  1. Replies
    1. I am happy to hear you had a reaction... this is what art is all about in my opinion... to arouse emotions, good or bad!
